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At the end of 2012, Professor William Robson Schwartz had the idea of creating a research group focused on smart surveillance to foster the field in Brazil. In January 2013, the Smart Surveillance Interest Group (SSIG), currently Smart Sense Laboratory, was born in the Department of Computer Science of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Since its first meeting, attended by its only four members at the time, much has changed. The group has expanded not only in members, but also in focus. In addition to smart surveillance and biometrics, the research topics now include computational forensics.

Currently, the Smart Sense Lab consists of more than 15 members, including undergraduate and graduate students. To investigate problems in its three main areas of interest (video surveillance, computational forensics, and biometrics), the group develops techniques involving computer vision, machine learning, and digital image processing.

In its five years of existence, the group has achieved an extensive academic production, with publications in the main international journals and conferences in the world.

The Smart Sense Laboratory develops projects with support from government agencies such as the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Minas Gerais State Agency for Research and Development (Fapemig) and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes). The group also works on R&D projects in partnership with private companies such as Samsung, Petrobras, Hewlett-Packard and Maxtrack. Such partnerships allow the group to advertise its work and transform it into more direct benefits to society, by means of new products and technologies.

November, 2019

Patent Deposit – Samsung

The proposed invention aims to encode contextual information for video analysis and understanding, encoding spatial and temporal relations of objects and the main agent in a scene.

September, 2018
10th Master’s degree defense

10th Master’s degree defense

Human Activity Recognition based on Wearable Sensors Using Multiscale DCNN Ensemble, by Jessica Sena

August, 2018

Sense becomes a laboratory

The research group becomes a laboratory of the Department of Computer Science of UFMG

July, 2018

Start of the R&D project with Petrobras

A partnership with petroleum giant Petrobras to implement an automated monitoring system for worker protection on oil platforms

October, 2017

First internacional award

IAPR/IEEE Best Paper Runner-up Award to Rafael Vareto, at the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), for the paper “Towards Open-Set Face Recognition using Hashing Functions”

June, 2017

Maxtrack project

Development of a Video Analytics framework for analyzing the videos collected by the IoT platform of the telemetry company

October, 2016
First workshop

First workshop

DeepEyes workshop, held in two days at UFMG

September, 2016

100th group meeting

June, 2016

Hewlett-Packard project

Research and validation of context-based activity recognition methods using visual data

February, 2016

Samsung project

Research and development of new algorithms for automatic recognition of human activities based on visual and sensor data

February, 2015

First Ph.D’s degree defense

Detection of Changes in Land Scenes Using Aerial Images, by Marco Tulio Alves Rodrigues, member of Sense from 2013 to 2016

April, 2014

First camera

PTZ camera – AXIS P5512-E

February, 2014

First Master’s degree defense

Fast and Robust Optimization Approaches for Pedestrian Detection, by Victor Hugo Cunha de Melo

December, 2013

First happy hour

October, 2013

First GPU board

October, 2013

First national award

2nd place on the Workshop of Undegraduate Works  of the 26th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI) to Cássio dos Santos Júnior, for the work “Detecting Unenrolled Subjects in Face Galleries”

January, 2013

Foundation of the research group