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Sense project is awarded a research grant from CNPq

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Sense project is awarded a research grant from CNPq


The Smart Sense Laboratory was awarded a research grant by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) for the project “Making Sense: Robust Approaches to Visual Monitoring”. The grant offers financial support for projects aiming at significant scientific, technological, and innovation development in Brazil.

The focus of the research project is the development and improvement of computer vision and machine learning techniques for automatic and real-time environment monitoring from a network of surveillance cameras.

The main problem addressed by the project is visual surveillance, and will involve tasks such as activity recognition, detection of anomalous events, identity maintenance and optimization of deep neural networks.

Professor William Schwartz, coordinator of Sense, is the Principal Investigator of the project. For him, “the solutions to the addressed problems, in addition to advancing the state of the art, can be incorporated into environmental monitoring systems providing technological advances with social impact, since such systems provide safer environments for people movement, and because there is a great market potential for systems of this nature in our country”, he says.

The project will be developed by the Smart Sense Laboratory in collaboration with researchers from University of Campinas, Federal University of Parana, Federal University of Uberlandia and Universidad Catolica San Pablo (Peru).

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